Care Ministry

Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly and not for what you will get out of it,
but because you are eager to serve God. (1 Peter 5:2)

Upcoming Class or Events

Building Relationship, Improving Care for people with Alzheimer's

Building Relationship, Improving Care for people with Alzheimer's

(DVD published by the Alzheimer’s Association)

Please join us at 10:30 am in the Prayer Chapel on Sunday, April 14.
No registration required. Contact or 701.730.1956

This presentation is also continuing education for Stephen Ministers.

Care-Giving Teams

Staff and volunteers minister to the Bethel family through hospital, home, and care center visitation. We deliver flowers, pray with people, and spend time with those who need love and care. We have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we purposefully and directly love and care for people in very practical ways.

Pastoral Care

Our Pastoral Care Team is happy to pray for you and share biblical wisdom with you. We offer a listening ear and prayer, followed by resources that will educate and provide you with support for special life circumstances.

On-Call Ministry

We provide emergency, 24/7 pastoral care response by the Director of Care Ministry and the Bethel pastors.

Stephen Ministry

Equips lay-people to provide one-to-one Christian care to a same gender individual who is experiencing difficulties in his or her life. Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry. The identity of those receiving care and everything they discuss with a Stephen Minister remain private.

Learn more about receiving Stephen Ministry Care or becoming a Stephen Minister by clicking below.


Marriage Mentorship

Matches you and your spouse to one of our marriage mentor couples. In eight 90-minute sessions, you will work together to improve communication and problem-solving skills, increase your commitment level to your marriage, and develop a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ.

Meal Team

Volunteers prepare meals for families in times of need, following the birth of a child, or when health challenges arrive.

Funeral Luncheon Team

Volunteers encourage grieving families by serving at funeral luncheons.

Funeral Ministry

If you’re currently in the process of planning a service for a loved one, we are ready to pray with you and help you.

Wedding Ministry

We share in your excitement as you journey through one of the most exciting and significant experiences of your life . . . preparing to be married.

Request Prayer

If you or a family member find yourself in a crisis situation, we invite you to communicate your prayer needs to our Urgent Prayer Team by phone at 701.232.4476 or by emailing us at Our answering service will answer the call even if you call after hours or over the weekend. Please leave a message and we will respond appropriately.

For prayer requests about non-emergency circumstances, please submit a prayer request on our online Prayer Wall. You are invited to join us in praying for the prayer requests.

Benevolence Giving

Our benevolence fund assists members and regular attendees of Bethel Church who have an immediate financial need. If you would like to contribute to this fund, you can do so online or anytime by indicating these funds should be used for benevolence.

Opportunities to Serve

Meals Team

Volunteers prepare meals for families in times of need, following the birth of a child, or when health challenges arrive.

Funeral Luncheon Team

Volunteers encourage grieving families by serving at funeral luncheons.

Community Resources

We've collected some area resources that you might be able to use if you find yourself in need of help.

Meet Our Team

Craig Johnson

Disciple-Making and Care Pastor

Dawn Chamberlain

Administrative Assistant to Care and Disciple-Making Ministries

Delia Williams

Care Ministry Chaplain and Stephen Ministry Leader

Connie Peterson

Care Ministry Chaplain

Bob Possen

Care Ministry Chaplain