Melissa Markegard serves as the Fargo Cass Public Health Mental Health Coordinator. Making a postivie impact in our community is second nature to Melissa. She has served in a number of roles and shares about her transition to becoming the Mental Health Coordinator.

Recently, Melissa initiated a “No Feeling is Final” campaign that is spreading to area schools, businesses, and non-profits. No feeling is final tile - offwhite


Melissa offers training to area organizations on Changing the Narrative on Mental Health and Suicide. This interactive conversation helps participants change their perceptions of mental health.

Learn more about her work and find contact information on the Fargo Cass County Public Health Mental Health Resources page.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis please text or call 988 to be connected with a trained and caring person who can help.


Thank you to Landon Dick from C Three Media and Joseph Andrews from High Valley Real Estate for sponsoring lunch this month!