The Worship Arts Ministry at Bethel Church exists to magnify the name of Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, as Lead Worshippers we seek to make the glory of Christ and His word known in the hearts and minds of the people of Bethel Church. As image bearers we are given the gift of creativity. The Worship Arts Ministry aims to steward that gift for the edification of the church.
Easter Choir & Orchestra
Mark your calendars and invite your musical friends!
It is time again to dust off your instruments and warm up your voices! Come join the Easter choir or orchestra as they will rehearse weekly beginning Wednesday, March 19 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Email with any questions.
Wednesdays, 6 pm, Choir Room
Wednesdays, 6 pm, Worship Center
Special Sunday Services
Sunday, April 20, 2025 at 9 & 10:45 am
Serve with Us

Come and sing with us for seasonal events. No auditions necessary. Email for more information.

Come and play with us for seasonal events. No auditions necessary. Email for more information.

Praise Team
Vocalists or band members can apply and schedule an audition with

Creative Arts Team
Acting, spoken word, dance, photography, etc. are all ways we can worship God. Please contact to set up an audition.

Tech Team
Live video, lights, sound, video editing, CD duplication, and videography. Training is provided as needed. Contact to get involved.

Usher/Welcome Team
Help church attenders find their seats, hand out church bulletins, support the staff in elements of the service and occasionally help with communion. Contact for more information